Monday 13 April 2015

Induce Adrenaline

Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands located at the top of each kidney. Adrenaline increases the heart rate and dilates blood vessels and air passages. More oxygen reaches the muscles and brain, resulting in quicker response time, increased strength and more energy, especially beneficial when playing sports or getting out of a dangerous situation. Some people may want to induce adrenaline for the "natural high" that it produces.


1. Exercise rigorously to induce adrenaline secretion. When your muscles are weakened from stress, your body will secrete adrenaline to compensate for it.

2. Put yourself in a scary situation such as riding a roller coaster, skydiving or jumping off a high cliff into water. When your mind thinks your life may be in danger, your body produces adrenaline for extra assistance. Increased alertness and strength are the body's best defenses against a dangerous situation.

3. Consume foods or drinks with high sugar content. Sugar consumed on an empty stomach produces large amounts of adrenaline shortly afterward.

4. Drink caffeinated drinks. Like sugar, caffeine induces adrenaline production.

Tags: dangerous situation, induce adrenaline, When your, your body