Wednesday 8 April 2015

Lose Cesaerian Section Weight (Csection Belly Fat)

Lose Cesaerian Section weight (c-section belly fat)

Having a c-section is no fun, especially after you're all healed up and recovered, and you look down and notice that lovely flab of belly pooching out over your c-section scar. How can you get your flat tummy back? Here are a few strategies to lose that c-section weight.


1. Be patient: It generally takes a little longer to lose weight after a c-section, so expect the process to take a little more time. Just remember, it took almost ten months to gain the weight, so it will take some time to lose it. You can do it, though!

2. If you haven't already, cut out fried foods and cut back on sweets and sodas. Fattening foods and sugar contribute to belly fat, and you don't want to add to what's already there. You should be eating healthier anyway, considering the fact that your body just went through a major operation and also if you are breastfeeding.

3. Get sleep any way you can. Yes, I know that's a humorous thought if you are still sore from the c-section and are up with a newborn baby, but try to get your spouse or a relative to stay with the baby during the day so you can get some sleep. Lack of rest is commonly linked to weight gain.

4. If you are still too sore to do hard core crunches, at least start walking. Take the baby out in the stroller and try to walk a little further every day. Do lunges with two pound weights and then move up to four. You will beat that c-section weight gain, it just takes time!

Tags: Cesaerian Section, c-section weight, Lose Cesaerian, Lose Cesaerian Section, still sore, that c-section, that c-section weight