Thursday 9 April 2015

Have A Successful Recovery After A Csection

A cesarean section birth is when the baby is delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen. Women have c-section births for many reasons and some doctors will allow women to schedule the procedure. The question that many women want answered after they have had their baby is: How do I recover from my c-section? With a little knowledge and a little planning, you can successfully recover from a c-section.


1. Get up and move. Women usually stay in the hospital for two to four days after a c-section. While you are still in the hospital, a nurse will likely ask you to get up and walk 24 hours after the cesarean delivery. It may sound hard to believe, but getting up after your c-section is recommended to help with recovery. Walking, even so soon after your c-section, helps with constipation and gas. You will probably just walk down the hall and back as you will still have pain and your muscles will be sore. Remember, you will need a nurse to help you get out of bed.

2. Urinate often. This also means you should be drinking water often. Drinking water will help replace fluids lost during labor and delivery. A full bladder adds pressure to your healing wound, so urinating frequently helps relieve the pressure. Emptying your bladder also allows the uterus to contract back to normal size, according to Baby Center.

3. Support your abdomen and incision site. Your muscles are weakened from being stretched during pregnancy and from the incision during the c-section. Hold a hand, towel or pillow over your c-section incision site when you need to stand, while feeding your baby and especially if you need to cough or sneeze.

4. Take your pain medication if necessary. Your body is under stress when in pain. You will recovery faster if you are comfortable, so take your pain medication when you feel you need it.

5. Clean your incision site. When you are allowed to shower, gently remove your bandages and clean your incision site with soap and water. After you clean the incision site, gently dry and replace the old bandages with new clean ones.

6. Get help. After you leave the hospital, you will need help around the house and with the baby. Although you do need to get up and walk, you also need to limit how much exercise and strain you put your body under until you are fully recovered.

7. Rest when you can. You may have heard people say you should sleep when the baby sleeps and that is good advice. Your body will recover faster if you are rested.

8. Eat healthy food choices. Lean meats, fruits and vegetables will give your body the protein, fiber and vitamins it needs to recover.

Tags: incision site, your c-section, your pain medication, after your, after your c-section, body under