Monday 13 April 2015

Increase Sprinting Speed

Increase sprinting speed

Need to know increase sprinting speed? Whether you're a rising track star, a sports player wanting speed for a competitive edge or a new runner, knowing increase your sprinting speed can make the difference in your athletic success. Endurance is sometimes easier to work on, as you simply run more or run longer. But increasing speed requires a high level of dedicated effort and persistence. Here's increase sprinting speed as a runner.


Increasing Sprinting Speed

1. Perfect your running form. Make sure your running posture is correct, and keep your hands from clenching as you run. Look ahead and keep your torso straight and arms at 90-degree angles.

2. Avoid tensing opposing muscles, known as "tying-up." Keep your arms relaxed and shoulders dropped and level. Your jaw should be slack and not clenched.

3. Practice sprinting down hill without slowing yourself. You will go faster because of gravity, and your body and muscle memory will become accustomed to the longer stride and faster pace. This will carry over to the flat track and help you shave some seconds or fractions of seconds off of your time. Do this for several weeks, several times a year.

4. Keep your legs pointed in the vertical (forward) plane at all times. Avoid any sideways (lateral) movement from either leg. It is important that all energy is used to drive you forward, and not dissipated to the sides.

5. Keep up a high level of training, varying workouts to increase your speed. However, let your body rest for a couple days with lighter training sessions prior to a match or race.

Tags: sprinting speed, high level, increase sprinting, increase sprinting speed, increase your, Keep your, Sprinting Speed