Thursday 16 April 2015

Keep To A Daily Schedule

If you're always rushing out the door, neglecting items on your "to do" list or continually running out of time for tasks, you must learn create and keep a schedule. Create an agenda to organize daily activities and still leave room for fun.


1. Buy a calendar, notebook or large poster board to write out your schedule until you've got the new routine down pat.

2. Track the work, chores and extracurricular activities each family member needs to accomplish each day and slot them onto the chart. Eliminate conflicts (like two children with lessons across town from one another) that will make it impossible to stick to the schedule.

3. Find ways to accomplish two tasks at the same time. Perhaps your son can do his homework while sitting in the waiting room during your daughter's dance lesson.

4. Allot time for video games, email or calling friends at the end of the day, after important responsibilities are complete. The kids will be less likely to dawdle on their homework and chores if it will cut into their playtime.

5. Reconsider the schedule after trying it for two weeks. If you're constantly falling behind, maybe your original goals were unrealistic. Note how long tasks have been taking and shift items accordingly.

6. Reward yourself after a month of sticking to the plan. Take the family out to a movie, head to an amusement park or buy a game you can enjoy together during your free time.

Tags: during your