Wednesday 15 April 2015

Keep Toes Comfortable In Running Shoes

Don't ignore toe pain.

When you run, your feet touch the ground approximately 800 times per mile. Some of the most common ailments runners experience include hammer toes and pain under the little toes. You can be proactive to prevent such painful conditions by purchasing running shoes that fit correctly. However, if you still experience discomfort, there are simple ways to help cushion your toes and relieve pressure or chafing. If the pain worsens, don't sacrifice your feet. See a podiatrist immediately.


1. Choose running shoes in which your toes touch the toe box. A running shoe should fit like a sock -- not tight so as to cause any discomfort, but not roomy. If you wear shoes that are too large, your toes slam against the toe box as you run, eventually resulting in pain. The pressure can also cause toenail injuries over time.

2. Loosen laces slightly at the toe of your running shoes. Tighten them from the arch up to the ankle. This helps relieve the pressure caused by the natural swelling of your feet while running.

3. Fit a piece of soft padding into the toe box of each running shoe. Use felt or foam rubber with an adhesive backing, measuring about 1/4-inch thick and 2 inches square. Press the adhesive side of the padding against where it hits the toe to secure it. Take a short run to see how it feels, and adjust accordingly.

4. Trim your toenails straight across to prevent in-grown toe nails and discomfort. Soak your feet in lukewarm salt water for 10 minutes every day.

5. Purchase a toe straightener to help align and separate hammer toes. Straighteners have adjustable elastic loops covered in cotton, which hold your toes in place. Wear one on the affected foot or feet while you run.

Tags: your feet, your toes, feet while, hammer toes, relieve pressure, running shoe, running shoes