Tuesday 14 April 2015

Install & Replace A Hot Tub Pump Seal

Replace your hot tub's pump seal to keep water circulating properly.

Hot tubs require regular circulation to maintain healthy, heated water. A pump system plays a vital role in the proper operation of a hot tub. Hot tub pumps pull the water in the tub through the plumbing for filtration and heating. Pumps use suction made by a shaft rotating an impeller at high speeds. A seal placed on the shaft in the pump keeps water from entering the electrical and motor portion of the pump. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Turn off the breaker connected to the hot tub. Once water flow stops, disconnect the pump system from the hot tub plumbing by unscrewing the unions on the plumbing by hand or by cutting the plumbing around the pump with a hacksaw.

2. Loosen and pull out the bolts on the pump housing with a socket wrench. Pull apart the two halves of the pump, and set the wet end (bucket-holding portion) aside.

3. Hold the shaft of the pump motor with the wrench or a vise grip, and unscrew the shaft impeller with your hand. Pull the impeller section of the pump seal out of the back of the impeller. Slide the remaining half of the pump seal off the motor shaft. Slide a replacement pump seal onto the shaft, but do not directly touch the seal's face with your fingers or the seal may not work properly.

4. Hold on to the motor shaft with the wrench or vise grip, and screw the impeller onto the shaft until it is snug up against the pump seal. Secure both halves of the pump together with the bolts and socket wrench. Reconnect the hot tub pump system to the plumbing via unions or PVC glue with primer.

Tags: pump seal, pump system, halves pump, motor shaft, onto shaft