Friday 10 April 2015

Increase Circulation

Your circulatory system is the river of life inside your body. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to your entire body, most importantly to your heart and brain, and also carries away toxins and waste. Keeping the blood flowing will improve your health and keep you feeling great. There are small, simple changes you can make to your daily routines to help improve your circulation.


Simple ways to improve circulation

1. Use hot and cold water, known as hydrotherapy, to increase circulation. A few minutes in a hot shower increases blood flow outwardly to your skin. Switching to cold water brings the blood back to your internal organs. Switching back and forth from hot to cold three or four times during your shower every day will contribute to good circulation.

2. Consider taking ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba has become famous for it's ability to improve memory, mainly because it increases blood flow to the brain. This herb is anti-inflammatory and great for general blood circulation.

3. Add cayenne to your diet. Cayenne is well known for it's ability to stimulate the metabolism and enhance circulation. Cayenne can also be used externally to increase blood flow. Look for creams and oils made with cayenne to rub into your skin.

4. Brush yourself. First thing in the morning after you get up, brush your entire body with a body brush. This wakes up your skin and gets the blood flowing outwardly.

5. Start moving. Exercise is crucial to heart and muscle health, as well as circulation. Walking every day is the perfect way to get the blood moving. Also, incorporate regular stretching into your day. Even if you are stuck at a computer or behind a desk, every time you have a chance, get up, stretch your arms over your head, stretch your legs and feet, and do gentle upper body twists and body folds (bending over and touching your toes). Just a few minutes here and there throughout the day can make a big difference.

Tags: blood flow, your skin, blood flowing, cold water, entire body, improve your