Thursday 18 December 2014

Help The Poor & The Needy

You can help the poor and needy in a variety of ways.

If you want to help underprivileged people you must start by deciding what resources you have to give and how you want to allocate your resources. Besides contributing to charities that distribute food and necessities to poor people, you may wonder what else you can do to provide more or better assistance. Identifying your options for giving, including providing physical help in addition to monetary assistance, can allow you to direct your energies toward projects and programs in which you truly believe.


1. Plan your assistance to poor and needy people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and self-esteem. If you contribute money, whenever possible contribute anonymously. The Jewish philosopher Maimonidies noted that the second highest level of charity-giving involves donating in a manner that doesn't allow the receiver to identify the giver. Maimonidies continued to teach that the highest level of charity involves giving charity in a manner that allows people to develop skills and resources so that they can earn their own money and escape from the cycle of poverty.

2. Ask poor people or charity organizations what kind of help they need before you donate what you think they want. Sometimes your physical assistance in helping to operate a charity or assist someone may prove much more helpful than a monetary donation. Some people simply need someone to talk to in order to lift their spirits. Others may gain more support from getting a ride to an appointment or having someone take them shopping than they would by receiving a check. Giving your time may provide as much help as money.

3. Find charity projects where you feel that you can make a difference. Whether you decide to donate to an individual, a small charity or a large organization, become involved on all levels. Help with fund-raising, organize activities and become an active member of an organization's board or membership. If you want to help an individual, offer to babysit, take them places or go visit them. Give of yourself when you decide to help needy or poor people and you may find that the satisfaction gives you just as much in return.

Tags: poor people, highest level, manner that, take them, that allows, want help