Monday 8 December 2014

Improve Jogging Times

Improve Jogging Times

Jogging provides solid cardiovascular exercise for people of all fitness levels. If you're new to jogging, you can slowly build up your distance over time, thereby improving your endurance level. As you improve, you may wish to start timing your jogs. You can then record your times and work to improve them. Like any training program, it does take dedication to improve your jogging times. While you should take rest days, you need to stick to a training program in order to see significant progress.


1. Record information on every jog you complete. Log the distance and the time it took you to finish. Keep this log handy so you can track improvements.

2. Warm up before you begin your jog. Walk briskly to slowly raise the heart rate before launching into your jog. You will achieve better jogging times and reduce the chances of injury if you only exercise warm muscles.

3. Perform interval training once a week. Interval training has been shown to improve endurance performance such as jogging. Jog at a steady pace for two minutes and then increase your speed to a full sprint for one minute. Return to your steady jogging pace for two minutes to recover. You can then lengthen your intervals but allow sufficient time to recover between the intense bursts of speed.

4. Incorporate other leg exercises into your training regime. Squats, climbing stairs and jumping rope are all effective leg exercises. They will improve muscle tone and help to improve jogging times.

5. Wear a heart rate monitor while you jog. This will help you gauge how hard you are actually working throughout your jog. If you notice that your heart rate is lower than it should be, you can bump up your energy level, thereby achieving better times.

6. Complete a longer jog every few weeks. As a result, your shorter jogs will become more manageable and you'll achieve faster times on those runs.

7. Hydrate. Drink sufficient amounts of water before, during and after your jogs. Hydration is key to good performance.

8. Stretch thoroughly after every jog. If you don't stretch, you put your body at risk for injuries and sore muscles. You'll achieve better times if you continually protect your body.

Tags: heart rate, achieve better, better times, Improve Jogging, Improve Jogging Times, into your