Tuesday 4 November 2014

Get Faster On The Field In The Weight Room

With the right weight training, you can be the fastest on the field.

The best way to increase your speed on the field is by combining speed and weight training to create your workout routine. Running, sprinting, jogging and cardiovascular and interval training are all ideal ways to build up your speed and stamina. But you can't do only nonweight training if you want to be the fastest. You have to hit the gym. And you have to exercise your entire body, not just your legs.


1. Do leg extensions. You will need to use a leg extension machine to perform this exercise, but most weight rooms have one. Leg extensions are a great way to tone and build your quadriceps. You sit down in a chair and lift your legs up. You can determine how much weight you have to lift each time you extend your legs.

2. Do lunges. Lunges will help tone and strengthen your hamstrings, which are essential muscles when building speed. To do a lunge, stand with your legs spread shoulder width apart and your arms dangling by your side. You should be holding a dumbbell in each hand, but you can also do lunges without weights.

Now take a step forward with your right leg. Bend down so that your right leg is parallel with the ground and hold the position for two seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat again with the left leg. Keep alternating legs. Try to start out with three sets of ten. Increase your reps and weight as they get easier.

3. Bench press. Using the bench press machine is one of the most effective workouts you can do in the weight room for any goal. The bench press is beneficial in targeting muscles in your arms, chest, back, shoulders, abdomen and legs. Whenever you are benching, make sure to have a spotter with you, and never do more weight than you can handle.

4. Do bicep curls. When doing bicep curls, you want to exercise all the muscles of the bicep. This means you have to do different types of bicep curls. You want to do two or three different types of curls. Start with the common curl (palms facing up). Do a hammer curl, in which your palms are facing toward the side. And do curls with your palms facing downward. All of these curls use the same motion, only the position of your hands will change.

To do a bicep curl, start with your arms down in front of you. With a dumbbell in your hand, curl your forearm upward. Touch the dumbbell to your shoulder and then slowly bring your arm back down. Do five of each and repeat three times on each side. Add weight or increase your reps as you get comfortable.

5. Do calf raises. The best way to do calf raises is by standing on the edge of a stair so your heels are hanging over the edge. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rise up to the tips of your toes. Hold the position for a second and then return to the starting position. Start out doing three sets of five and work your way up as you get more comfortable.

Tags: with your, your legs, bicep curls, palms facing, your arms, bench press, bicep curls want