Gain Muscle Fast and Free
Gaining muscle fast and free is a relatively straight forward process. The challenging part is mustering up the self discipline to do what is needed to achieve your goal. If you are motivated to gain muscle in a fast and free way, follow these steps. Remember, the most important part of the process is sticking to your plan.
1. Make up your mind that you want to gain muscle fast and free. Deciding that you are committed to a muscle building program is the most important part of the process. If you lack the dedication to sacrifice and work through sore muscles, then you will fail. Determination is the most vital part of the muscle gain formula.
2. Decide where you wish to gain muscle. If you want to focus on your chest, arms and back, then you will need to lift weights. If you want to beef up your legs, then running and jumping can help. If your goal is full body muscle gain, then a combination is called for.
3. Set up a realistic weight training program. Do not try to do too much too fast. You may hurt yourself and you won't stick with the program. Lift weights three times a week. Try three exercises for each body part doing 3 sets of 10 reps. Start with light weights and then increase the pounds as the weeks go by. You should feel sore but not so much a day or two after you lift. If you are not sore, then you need to lift more. If it takes more than a few days to recover, then you are lifting too much. Slight soreness means your muscles are growing. If you do not have access to weights, there are other exercises you can do for free. Push ups work the chest. Pull ups work the back. You can curl gallons of milk or chairs to work the arms.
4. Feed your muscles. Every time you lift weights, your muscles hunger for nutrients to grow. Be sure to eat plenty of protein especially right after your work out. It provides the building blocks for muscle growth. Load up on lean meat, milk, tofu and nuts. Avoid sweets, alcohol and fried food. They work against muscle growth. Try to eat small portions all day long. Big meals encourage insulin spikes and fat storage. Numerous, small meals encourages slow steady energy burn.
5. Rest those muscles. Working out too much actually harms muscle growth. Resistance exercise causes tiny tears in muscle fibers. That is why you feel sore after exercise. When those tears heal the muscles grow back bigger and stronger. That's why rest is just as important as lifting weights. Work specific muscle groups once per week. A three stage rotation is popular. Lift weights for your chest and back Monday, biceps and triceps Wednesday, then legs, abs and shoulders on Friday. Rest on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. You can also group complementary muscle groups together. Combine chest with triceps, back with biceps, then legs, abs and shoulders.
6. Sleep your way to bigger muscles. Be sure to get at least 8 hours of slumber per night. Your body needs the rest to recover from working out. Scientific research shows that lack of sleep harms muscle building.
Tags: fast free, muscle growth, your muscles, feel sore, gain muscle, harms muscle