Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Make Labor Start

You may encourage the start of labor if you are full-term.

If you are full-term in your pregnancy, you may want to find ways to naturally start labor. This is often referred to elective induction and should only be done if you are not experiencing any medical complications. Although there are medications that a doctor can prescribe that will help induce labor, you may prefer a natural method to start the process. If this is the case, you can attempt to make labor start by following a few natural steps.


1. Have sex. Sex has been thought to induce labor because semen has a hormone that is linked to preparing the cervix for labor.

2. Walk or ride a stationary bike. The combination of movement and being upright puts pressure on your cervix and can sometimes start labor.

3. Stimulate your nipples. This practice releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that causes uterine contractions. Massage one breast at a time until a contraction begins.

4. Ride in a car on a bumpy road. This can place you pelvis in a better position for birthing and sometimes can induce labor.

Tags: induce labor, start labor, hormone that