Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Get Over Someone You Love

Get Over Someone You Love

Ending a relationship with someone you love is earth-shattering and hard to do. You may feel that as if you've lost half of yourself when you've lost your lover or friend. Although it may be difficult right now for you to believe, there is life after relationship loss. Use these strategies to move on and regain your strength, confidence and happiness so that you can continue living your life.


1. Give yourself a set time to grieve and then do your best to move on after that time is up. Don't be afraid to seek out the help from a professional if your mood stays down for longer than you alloted. Some people stay in bed for extended periods while others are able to pick themselves up and keep living life. How we grieve is different for each person, so give yourself the opportunity to own up to your feelings and reflect on the entire situation. Sweeping your emotions under the rug, or burying them deep inside your heart will only lead to greater pain down the road. Confront your feelings today.

2. Shift your love, energies and whatever passion you can muster into other relationships. Life has to go on and now you should focus on parents, siblings, friends, and new relationships. Spend more time with the people you already love and fall in love with them all over again. Do not use your time with them to constantly talk about your breakup or loss. Spending some time is okay as talk therapy can aid you in healing - but try to find upbeat and positive topics to talk about with the people you care for.

3. Take up new activities or restart old ones. You can begin arts and crafts projects at home, join a gym, visit your local art museums or volunteer time. Keep yourself busy and carve out a new life for yourself. Use the time you otherwise spent with that person to discover new things about yourself and the world.

4. Realize that you will overcome the pain you are currently feeling. Time really does heal a broken heart and although your pain will not dissolve over night, it will eventually become less of a presence in your heart.

Tags: Over Someone, Over Someone Love, talk about, time with, with people, with them, your feelings