The W-2 that accompanies Form 1040 is a good place to find state EINs.
State Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) are tax identification numbers assigned to businesses operating in states that collect personal income taxes. This number is different from the tax numbers assigned for unemployment taxes, corporate taxes and state sales taxes. Nine states do not collect personal income taxes and have no unique State EINs. These states are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, New Hampshire and Tennessee. For these states, businesses will operate under their federal EINs. If you do not know a company's state EIN and need to locate it, there are resources available that can aid you in this search.
1. Check IRS Form W-2 issued by the company. If you have been an employee of the company you are trying to locate a state EIN for, this number will appear in box 15 of the W-2 form.
2. Contact the department of revenue of the state in which the business is operating. The department of revenue operates as the state taxing authority, and issues and retains tax forms for companies operating in the state. The IRS has contact information for each state department of revenue listed in its business database.
3. Search the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) EDGAR database. All public companies file electronic reports with the SEC which may be useful in locating a company's EIN. Many companies list both the federal and state EIN on the first page of Forms 10-K and 20-F. This is also the quickest way to find a federal EIN for states that do not issue unique state EINs.
4. Contact the human resources department of the company. The HR department should be able to provide you with the state EIN that is included on Form W-2. However, there may be some smaller companies, such as a sole proprietorship, that use the Social Security number of the owner in place of the state EIN. In this case, it may be difficult to get this information directly.
Tags: department revenue, collect personal, collect personal income, Employer Identification, income taxes, numbers assigned, personal income