Friday, 17 July 2015

Improve Retail Pharmacy

Retail pharmacies can carry all kinds of merchandise.

Running a pharmacy can be challenging. You need to make sure the pharmacy is always operating smoothly and efficiently, and that the retail aspect of the business is doing well to make stocking the inventory worth the expense. If your retail pharmacy is not doing quite as well as you'd hoped or operating efficiently enough, there are plenty of things you can try to help improve the way your business runs.


1. Keep accurate records of the types of prescriptions being filled by the pharmacy and the types of merchandise being purchased in the retail section of your business. This helps you predict what supplies you need well in advance.

2. Offer more services. If you can become more of a one-stop shop for customers, you can increase your customer base and improve profits. For example, add a photo lab or small food section to your retail pharmacy.

3. Build relationships with physicians, clinics and hospitals in your area. Make yourself available as a free resource for their patients and offer discounts for the physicians' patients. This helps you get referrals to improve the business on the pharmacy end.

4. Train employees well and reward them for good work. A knowledgeable, happy employee is an asset to your retail pharmacy, whether she works with the pharmacist, as a cashier or in the photo lab.

5. Review how your retail pharmacy is doing in every department at least once per quarter. This is where your diligent record-keeping will come in handy. Also, find out where you can make improvements by getting feedback from employees, customers and physicians you deal with often.

Tags: your retail, your retail pharmacy, pharmacy doing, retail pharmacy, retail pharmacy, retail pharmacy doing