Monday, 20 July 2015

Lace Tennis Shoes So They Look Like A Ladder

Ladder lacing helps your tennis shoes remain tight.

According to shoelace expert Ian Fieggen, there are over 2 trillion ways that you can lace shoes that have 12 eyelets. Ladder lacing is just one way of tying up your tennis shoes, and it has the advantage of looking distinctive and maintaining shoe tightness. On the negative side, ladder laces are harder to tighten in the first place.


1. Remove the old laces from your tennis shoes so they are now ready to have either new laces installed or the old laces reinstalled in a ladder style.

2. Choose one of your shoes. Feed one end of the lace through the bottom left eyelet and one through the bottom right one. Pass the lace from underneath the eyelet to the outside of the shoe. Pull the lace through on both sides until you have an equal length of lace on either side of the bottom two eyelets.

3. Take the tip of the lace from the bottom left eyelet and pass it through the second-from-bottom eyelet on the left from outside the shoe to inside. Leave this lace in the gap between the two rows of eyelets.

4. Take the tip of the lace from the bottom right eyelet and push it through the second-from-bottom eyelet on the right, threading the lace from outside the shoe to inside. Take the tip of this lace and pass it across from right to left before wrapping it beneath the other half of the lace that is inserted in the left eyelet. Pull this lace upward and push it from outside to inside the third-from-bottom eyelet on the left.

5. Take the lace that was originally pushed through the second-from-bottom eyelet on the left and repeat the process as you did with the other half of the lace. Pass it beneath the lace inserted into the eyelet on the opposite side of the shoe so it hooks before running it up to the eyelet directly above. When lacing in this fashion, each half of the lace threads through the bottom two eyelets on one side before alternating sides.

6. Continue lacing in this style until you have reached the top of the shoe. If your shoes have an even number of eyelets, the lace that started at the bottom right eyelet will finish at the top right eyelet, and vice versa.

Tags: lace from, your tennis shoes, bottom right, eyelet left, from outside