Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Increase Poor Circulation

Regular exercise is an important step in boosting poor circulation.

Poor blood circulation is a common symptom of high blood pressure and heart disease, and can also be a cause of these conditions. Although one of the first steps in increasing poor circulation should be consulting a health care professional, you can also make a number of everyday changes to help increase blood flow. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, among other techniques, is essential in improving circulation and preventing disease.


1. Exercise at least three times per week to improve poor circulation, as this is key to increasing blood flow to the heart. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, even if it's more low-key physical activity such as taking a walk at lunchtime or playing with your pet. Engage in more intense cardiovascular exercise such as jogging, running, aerobics or team sports for maximum benefit to circulation. Meanwhile, move around at least once each hour to get your blood flowing, especially if you work a sedentary desk job.

2. Watch what you eat. Make nutritious, low-glycemic foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meat and whole grains the center of your diet to help increase circulation and prevent heart problems. Cut back on foods high in trans fats or saturated fats, replacing them with items rich in essential fatty acids,such as nuts, salmon and avocado, which can increase circulation. Meanwhile, keep hydrated with purified or bottled water, which can also aid in circulatory function.

3. Take nutritional supplements regularly to help increase circulation. Good circulation supplements include vitamin C, vitamin B complex, magnesium, calcium and omega-3 fish oil. Johns Hopkins University Doctors Joel Braunstein and Joseph Toscano also note the effectiveness of vitamin E supplements in reducing the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation. Additionally, scientific research has revealed that ginkgo biloba increases circulation by dilating veins and arteries and helping blood platelets move through the body.

Tags: help increase, increase circulation, blood circulation, blood flow, circulation Meanwhile