Lose Weight By Jogging
If you are looking to lose weight, jogging is an effective way to do it. Jogging burns a lot of calories and does not cost anything. You can do it at any time, and you can take your infant or dog with you. As with any form of exercise, to get results, you need to vary your workout. If you do the exact same routine all the time, your body will eventually adjust to the workout and you will discontinue getting results. Learn to incorporate jogging into your routine and start working toward your ideal weight.
Jogging for Weight Loss
1. Buy sneakers that are specially made for jogging. They should fit you well and provide cushioning. Wearing improper footwear can lead to chronic problems in the feet, ankles, knees, hips and back. Visit a sporting-goods store and talk to the sales associate about your routine. She can help you find the right shoes.
2. Create a calorie deficit. You must take in less calories then you burn off in order to lose weight. You need a deficit of 3,500 calories per week to lose 1 lb. per week. This means that, each day, you must consume 500 less calories then you normally do, or you need to burn off 500 calories through jogging. To lose 2 lbs. per week, you need to combine the two so that you eat 500 less calories and you burn off 500 calories every day. Follow the link in Resources to Healthstatus.com. There is an online calculator where you can enter your weight and the amount of time you intend to jog, to see how many calories you will burn.
3. Shake up your workout. As mentioned previously, you need to add variety to your workout to get the best results, even when jogging. Add interval training to your running program. Run or sprint fast for 5 to 10 minutes and then jog easy for 5 to 10 minutes. On some days, stay on flat roads; on other days, add some hills. Try running on sand or uneven surfaces to challenge your body. Another good option is deep water running. Buy an Aqua jogger belt (see the link in Resources) like the one pictured here. This belt holds you vertical and keeps your feet from touching the pool bottom. You then mimic running on land. You can add shoes and hand buoys to make the workout even more intense. Water jogging is a good option to add variety to your routine, and if you want the benefits of running without stressing the joints.
Tags: less calories, your routine, your workout, burn calories, calories then, good option, less calories then