Monday, 24 August 2015

Get Your Body Ripped Without Weights

You can get ripped without weights.

Someone with a so-called "ripped body" has a lot of lean muscle mass and, just as importantly, low body fat. In order to get a ripped body you need to both increase your muscle mass - by increasing your strength - and reduce your body fat. And you don't need expensive weight sets to do this. Rather, you can get a ripped body with consistent exercises that use your body weight for resistance. When you move your muscles against resistance, your body makes them grow, which will contribute to your ripped body.


1. Perform a push up by lying on the ground, putting your hands at shoulder width, and pushing up until your back is straight and your head is a few inches above the ground. Lower yourself down until your nose is just above the ground, then push back up again.

2. Perform a deep-knee bend by squatting down until your thighs are parallel with the floor, then pushing back up through your heels. Make sure that your feet stay flat on the ground, and that your back stays straight. If you can't squat low without lifting your feet up, move your feet so that they are a little further apart and point them in opposite directions.

3. Bend at your waist and touch your toes. Your legs and back need to stay straight, and you should feel your stomach muscles tense up as you touch your toes.

4. Sprint as fast as you can for around 10 seconds, then slow down for 20 seconds (to a light jog or walk), then repeat. This interval cardiovascular training will help you burn fat.

5. Assign an exercise to each suit in a deck of cards. So you could make wind sprints hearts, toe touches diamonds, pushups spades and deep-knee bends clubs.

6. Go to a field or other open area and deal one card out. Perform one of the assigned exercise.

7. Repeat for as much of the deck as you can get through. You probably won't be able to do the entire deck at first.

8. Repeat this routine five to six days per week. Body-weight training is a little less intense than standard weight training, so you can get away with more exercises per week.

Tags: ripped body, that your, until your, your feet, above ground