The Disney animated character Goofy, described as "good-natured but not that bright," by the Disney online archives, first appeared in 1932, "somewhat disguised, as a member of the audience in 'Mickey's Revue.'" Wearing a Goofy hat is one way to get noticed and feel like a kid again, not to mention a surefire way to create a homage to one of Walt Disney's most beloved cartoon characters. However, you need not pay through the nose at expensive Disney merchandise boutiques to get a hat similar to Goofy's. You can make an impressive version out of foam and just a few other materials.
1. Wrap a sheet of foam around your head, placing the foam upright just above your eyebrows. The foam should stick straight up like a cylinder around your head. Slide it off your head very carefully without losing its formation. Staple it in place. This will be the top part of Goofy's hat.
2. Cut two ovals out of the black foam paper. Make your ovals around 8 to 9 inches long. Staple one on the interior of your cylinder. Make sure that they are directly across from each other. These are Goofy's ears.
3. Draw a circle on your other sheet of green foam with a diameter that is exactly the same as the diameter of your cylinder. Draw another circle around the first one but give it a diameter that is 4 inches larger. Cut out the larger circle. Cut out the interior of the smaller circle. This is the brim of Goofy's top hat.
4. Slide the brim of the top hat onto the bottom of the cylinder. Add a few drops of glue around the interior of the brim to attach it to the cylinder. Press the brim to the cylinder of the hat firmly.
Tags: your head, around your, around your head, diameter that, your cylinder