Increase Dopamine Naturally
Dopamine is a brain neurotransmitter that is responsible for mood and attentiveness. Imbalanced dopamine levels have been associated with both mental and physical disorders ranging from depression to Parkinson's disease. Because of dopamine's relationship to these diseases, there are a number of prescription medications available to help regulate the presence of dopamine in the brain. However, it is possible to influence the level of dopamine without taking medications. The following natural methods will give you all the benefits of this vital nuerotransmitter without the potential side effects of a pill.
1. Sleep more. Rest gives the brain time to recuperate from the day and recharge its stores of neurotransmitters. Sleep cycles last 90 minutes at a time, so take this into consideration when going to bed at night or even taking a nap during the day. Allowing yourself to sleep for full cycles will help maximize the benefit of your rest time.
2. Relax. High stress levels are strongly correlated with dopamine deficiency. Reserving some time each day to set aside your problems and think calming thoughts will help alleviate this stress and allow the dopamine to flow.
3. Exercise. The increased blood circulation that accompanies exercise influences the presence of many different hormones within the brain, including dopamine.
4. Eat well. While a well-balanced diet will almost certainly make you feel better on its own, there are certain foods that are known specifically to increase dopamine levels in the body. Some of the most notable are almonds, bananas and avocados.
Tags: dopamine levels, Dopamine Naturally, Increase Dopamine Naturally, will help