Friday, 7 August 2015

Lose A Lot Of Weight Training For A Triathlon

Triathletes are elite athletes in top physical form.

A triathlon is an extreme sport consisting of biking, swimming and running components. The distance of each section varies depending on the particular race you've entered, however, the Olympic distances are 1.5 km swim, 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run. Training for a triathlon involves a committed routine of cardiovascular and strength training coupled with proper diet. To lose a lot of weight, modify your diet and reduce your food intake. In short, you need to burn more calories than you take in.


1. Avoid trying to lose weight during the off-season. Elite triathlon coach, Bob Seebohar, suggests that "the main goal of the off-season is to allow your body to recover from the intense training and racing season." Instead, focus on weight loss during the early part of the training season.

2. Eat breakfast to jump start your metabolism. After a night of rest, it is important that you start your body with a healthy, high-fiber meal. Not eating breakfast can lead to poor food choices later in the day.

3. Eat every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved. Try small, high-protein meals, such as steamed chicken and broccoli, a protein shake or a salad with boiled eggs.

4. Avoid foods that are deep fried or high in sugar, carbohydrates or saturated fat. These foods are high in calories and low in nutrition. Instead, opt for nutritionally-dense, high-protein foods that will sustain your muscle mass while fueling your body.

5. Train at your usual level. According to Joe Friel, author of The Triathlete's Training Bible, "restricting food intake appears to have a greater return on the scales than does increasing the training workload." Avoid increasing your training workload while reducing food intake as this can cause fatigue and loss of muscle mass.

Tags: food intake, your body, foods that, lose weight, muscle mass, start your, training workload