Friday, 21 August 2015

Make A Sweat Jacket

Turning a sweatshirt into a sweat jacket can be done by sewing a zipper onto the sweatshirt.

If you have a comfortable sweatshirt, but you do not like pulling it off and on over your head, you can use it to make a sweat jacket. You will need a heavy-duty sewing machine and jacket zipper. Adding a zipper will turn the sweatshirt into a jacket, but you will need to reinforce it with stretchy fleece fabric. Also, if you plan to wear layers of clothes under the jacket, start with a loose sweatshirt to get the best fit.


1. Turn the sweatshirt inside-out. Fold the sweatshirt in half to find the center front of the collar and hemline.

2. Measure the folded edge, using a tape measure. This gives you the needed zipper length. If you cannot find a zipper the exact same length, get a zipper 1 inch shorter.

3. Cut the center front panel of the sweatshirt in half, using the scissors and following the folded line.

4. Pick one side to work on first; it does not matter which one. Pin bias tape along wrong side of the cut edge.

5. Turn the panel face up and place the zipper face up beside it. Fold the zipper over as if you are closing a book. Pin the zipper to the right side of the fabric. Make sure you can see three layers lined up at the edge; the bias tape, the fleece and the zipper tape. Turn the panel face back down.

6. Sew 1/4 inch from the edge with the sewing machine set to make a zigzag or other fleece finishing stitch. Sew slowly and remove the pins as you sew.

7. Line up the other edge of the zipper tape with the remaining cut edge, on the fabric's right side. Pin the zipper tape in place, then pin the bias tape on the wrong side of the fabric. Sew the zipper and bias tape in place. Remove the pins from the jacket's zipper.

8. Turn the jacket right side out. Open the zipper. Finger-press the zipper tape so it rests flat against the fleece. The bias tape should be completely folded under. Top stitch the folded fleece using a straight stitch on the sewing machine, 3/8 inch from the folded-under seam line attaching the zipper.

Tags: bias tape, zipper tape, right side, sewing machine, center front, inch from