Ankle weights
can improve sprinting.
Ankle weights have fallen out of fashion in recent years to due to technological advancements in the area of speed training such as super-mills, treadmills that can top out at 28 miles per hour and incline to 40 degrees. While not good for distance running due to the pressure they can place on joints, ankle weights can help for speed training using specific exercises that focus on stride strength and working the muscles that improve speed. Some items are necessary to achieve the full benefit such as hills and TRX or a substitute.
Hill Runs
1. Attach an ankle weight to each leg. Ideally, the bottom of the ankle weights should be just above the top of the shoes.
2. Stand at the bottom on hill in the traditional sprinters stance with one leg ahead of the other, crouched low to the ground. One of your hands should be on the ground and the other should be extended behind you.
3. Accelerate up the hill. Focus on driving your knees up and pushing all the way through to the top of the hill.
4. Descend down the hill under control and repeat.
5. Attach the ankle weights as you did in Step 1 of the hill runs.
6. Lie down on your back with your hands interlocked behind your head. Hold both of your legs off the ground.
7. Extend one leg out straight and draw the knee of the other leg into your chest.
8. Alternate drawing and extending the legs in and out for either repetitions or a timed duration.
Sprinter Starts
9. Attach the ankle weights to your legs.
10. Hold on to either a TRX or rope. This can be done either outside using a tree branch or swing set or inside.
11. Lean slightly forward with your feet staggered, one a few feet behind the other. Make sure that your back remains straight and your core is tight.
12. Push one leg up and as if you were sprinting and begin alternating one leg after the other. You should be driving your knees close to beginning parallel to the ground.
Tags: ankle weights, Attach ankle, Ankle weights, Attach ankle weights, driving your, driving your knees