Friday, 2 October 2015

Heal Foot Blisters

Foot blisters can be caused from anything from running for long periods of time to poorly fitting shoes. No matter what the cause, the blisters should be taken care of in the same manner. Foot blisters can almost always be treated at home without the help of a doctor. In most cases, blisters can be healed in less than a week when proper care is taken.


1. Determine whether or not the blister needs to be popped. If it is large, painful and is obviously full of fluid, it needs to be popped. If it is fairly small and appears to be under several layers of skin, do not attempt to pop it.

2. Cut a doughnut shaped piece of moleskin with the razor blade if you decide not to pop the blister. The hole in the center of the moleskin should be the same size as your blister. Place it on your foot so that the blister shows through the hole. The moleskin will absorb shock and protect the blister.

3. Sterilize the razor blade with rubbing alcohol if you decide to pop the blister. Rub alcohol onto the blade using a cotton swab.

4. Poke a hole in the blister with the sharp end of the razor blade. As soon as you see fluid come out of the blister, pull the razor blade away and set it aside. Squeeze all of the fluid out of the blister.

5. Apply just enough triple antibiotic to completely cover the blister. Place a flexible bandage over the blister. Repeat this step until the blister heals.

Tags: razor blade, blister Place, decide blister, Foot blisters, needs popped