Monday 16 February 2015

Find State Tax Id Number For A Company

A business involved in the retail of taxable goods, leasing or renting tangible property or withholding income tax from employee wages must have a state tax ID number. In some states, this is the number on the company’s business license. In other states, the business owner must apply for a seller’s permit and use the number on the certificate. The methods you can use to find a company’s state tax ID number range from examining documents from the business to contacting the issuing department.


1. Contact the agency responsible for issuing seller’s permits in the state in which the business operates. This is usually the state’s department of revenue or taxation. For instance, Nevada’s Department of Taxation can give you the information that appears on a company’s business license, which includes the permit number.

2. Call the company and ask a representative for the company’s seller’s permit number or business license number. Be aware, however, that some companies may consider it sensitive information, while others will be willing to share it with you.

3. Check the documents posted in public areas at the company. Some businesses display their business license prominently on a wall for visitors to see.

4. Examine the resale certificate from the company. If you are in a business relationship with a wholesale company, it must give you a resell certificate for the items you are purchasing for retail. The company’s state tax ID number will be on the certificate.

Tags: business license, permit number, state number, company’s business, company’s business license, company’s state, company’s state number