Friday 27 February 2015

Make A Rubik'S Cube Costume

Halloween costumes get more clever and creative every year. Kids brainstorm for months to answer, "What should I be for Halloween this year?" Maybe it's not the most clever or creative, but a Rubik's Cube costume is sure to attract attention with its bright colors and charming originality. The good news for parents is this costume is quick and easy. Read on to learn make a Rubik's Cube costume.


1. Close up a large box and seal the top, bottom and edges with clear packaging tape. If your box is rectangular in shape, the longer side should be vertical. Cut a circular hole large enough for your body at the same location on the top and bottom of the box. The holes need to be as wide as your shoulders and hips so that you can physically get inside the box. Cut holes in the two opposite sides if you would like your Rubik's Cube to have arms.

2. Paint the outer surface of your box entirely black. Allow to dry.

3. Arrange your construction paper in piles according to color. If you want to be truly accurate to a Rubik's Cube, use all six colors of the rainbow--red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

4. Measure your box to see how much space you have for the color squares. Cut each color into nine equal sized square pieces. For example, the purple construction paper needs to be cut into nine completely equal pieces all in exact squares. Do this for each color.

5. Glue the colored squares onto the box when the black paint has dried. Glue the squares in even rows, with three pieces in each row. The rows will be three across and three down. Use only one color per side. When you have glued the construction paper on, you should have nine pieces of red on one side, nine pieces of green on another side, and so on. Each surface of the box will be used.

6. Dress in a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants. You can alter the material depending on the temperature but sweat suits work best for the Rubik's Cube costume.

Tags: Rubik Cube, construction paper, Cube costume, Rubik Cube costume, clever creative, each color, into nine