Thursday 19 February 2015

Make My Cardio Workout More Effective

High-intensity interval training provides a long-lasting fat-burning effect.

Cardio exercise is often taken up with an intention to lose body fat and increase cardiovascular health. Although this is achieved through performing daily steady-state cardio, high-intensity interval training has been shown to give better results in only half the time. High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, can push you to your limit so that you see results from your fitness plan faster. HIIT causes the body's metabolism to increase throughout the entire day as compared to steady-state cardio, which only spikes the metabolism during the workout. Thus, HIIT results in a fat-burning effect that lasts for hours.


1. Warm up on the cardio machine you prefer for five minutes at a steady pace. Common choices for cardio machines include the elliptical, treadmill and stationary bike. Alternately, you can perform the cardio outside through jogging or biking.

2. Run or cycle as quickly as you can for one minute without resting. You'll probably reach your recommended maximum heart rate during this period of time. The easiest way to determine your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220.

3. Slow to a steady pace for one and a half minutes to lower your heart rate.

4. Cycle or run as fast as possible again for one minute. Repeat the running and slowing cycle for five sets.

5. Cool down by moving at a slow pace for five minutes. Your heart rate should return to a low level by the end of cooling down. This helps to lower your body's level of adrenalin and prevents you from becoming dizzy or fainting after your workout.

Tags: heart rate, interval training, fat-burning effect, five minutes, High-intensity interval, High-intensity interval training