Wednesday 28 January 2015

Get A Flat Tummy At Home

Fitness at home can lead to a flat tummy.

Getting flat abs at home is as simple as knowing the right exercises to target the stomach and core areas of the body. Strong abs mean a strong stomach and better balance. According to "The Fitness Professional's Handbook," crunches are one of the easiest and quickest ways to achieve a flat stomach. Fitness, however, is not the only key to a flat stomach; diet is important too.


1. Eat right. "Fit To be Well" suggests that the first step to a flat tummy is a healthy diet that includes a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day. Avoid foods high in fats and salt. Keep a food journal to track foods that bloat the stomach and avoid them for a flatter belly.

2. Perform twenty minutes' worth of crunches each day. Crunches can be done almost anywhere that there is enough floor space to lie down. They are easier and safer to do than sit-ups and they get the core fit quickly. There are numerous fitness machines available that help with crunches, making them even easier and more effective.

3. Use a stability ball, also known as an exercise ball, to do an abdominal curl. This exercise is similar to a crunch, but utilizes the flexibility of the stability ball to use all of the core muscles. Lie with the area from the shoulders to the hip relaxed on the ball and then cross your arms behind your head. Raise your upper body, as with a crunch, repeatedly. Do this exercise for twenty to thirty minutes each day to get a flatter tummy.

Tags: flat stomach, stability ball