Wednesday 28 January 2015

Maintain Your Weight And Stay In Good Shape

Maintain Your Weight and Stay in Good Shape

As you get older, your metabolism slows down. It becomes much easier to gain weight and get out of shape fast. It takes effort and commitment to maintain your weight and stay in shape. Whether you've lost weight recently, or you just want to stay in good shape. It's rather simple and easy, but it requires the right commitment. It's something you have to want to work hard at and be willing to adjust to.


1. Stay active. Sitting around a lot, especially if you work at a job that requires this, will make it difficult to stay in shape. You need to stay active and mobile. Start jogging every morning and do things that require you to burn energy. Don't sit around all the time. Instead of walking up the stairs, try trotting up them. Do activities the require walking and getting up from your chair. Being active and daily exercise is an easy way to maintain your weight and stay in shape. Sitting around a lot makes it impossible as you get older. You can get away with that when you're younger, but not as you get old.

2. Speed up your metabolism. Getting a lot of fiber into your diet helps. Also drinking Green Tea daily really boosts your metabolism. I would look for Green Tea that has acai berry in it. Also eat Virgin Coconut Oil, which also supports and maintains your way. Virgin Coconut Oil helps your burn energy.

3. Watch what you eat. Put down the late night snacks and sweet desserts. Don't eat foods that are high in fats, especially saturated fats. Obviously when you eat foods that aren't healthy, you pay for it with your appearance. Instead of milk, maybe switch to skim milk. Start calorie counting what you eat and when you eat. You should not being foods before you go to bed. You will have to make the adjustments with what you eat. Anytime you do eat something you shouldn't, push extra hard the next day in your daily workout.

4. Drink 8-10 glass of water daily. The human body is suppose to drink 8 glasses of water daily. So get more water into your system, because it flushes out toxins. Drinking a lot of water will boost your metabolic rate. Don't drink much soda and drink ice cold water instead. Soda has calories, forget diet soda as well. Water does the trick. Drinking water helps prevent overeating and food cravings.

Tags: stay shape, your metabolism, burn energy, Drinking water, foods that, Good Shape, into your