Friday 23 January 2015

Get Rich Donating Sperm

You can earn a lot of extra money by donating sperm. Depending on their health, looks, and measured intelligence, some sperm donors earn hundreds of dollars per visit. If you want to donate sperm to make extra money, follow these steps to get the most for your semen.


1. Find sperm banking centers in your area to schedule a potential donor interview.

2. Gather facts about your medical history, your family's medical history, and be prepared to fill out a questionnaire on your level of education, talents, interests, and general intelligence.

Sperm donors with a clean bill of health will and high intelligence are in high demand at sperm donation centers. While many aspects of your health will be confirmed with blood tests, most centers don't ask for detailed verification of your education credentials, or various aptitudes.

The upshot of this is that you could portray yourself as an avid lacrosse player, pianist, and scrabble champion who plans to do post graduate studies in finance--whether or not it is true. Use your judgment when embellishing.

3. You don't necessarily have to be good looking to donate sperm, but good looking sperm donors are more likely to pass the screening process. To ensure that you pass muster as a sperm donor, groom yourself well for every interview at the sperm bank.

When the sperm bank compiles your portfolio, they will need picutre of youat various ages. You may also want to invest in having some professional photographs taken. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

4. Some Sperm banks have a limit on the number of times a donor can participate. To maximize your income from donating sperm, you should register at several banks.

Donors who research sperm banking opportunities and play their cards right can earn as much as $7,500 every year to donate sperm.

Tags: donate sperm, extra money, good looking, health will, medical history