Friday, 6 November 2015

Get The Marathon Man Achievement In "Halo 3"

get the Marathon Man Achievement in "Halo 3"

The Marathon Man achievement in Halo 3 is one of the toughest achievements to get in the entire game. This achievement will take you at least two hours after you've completed the game, but for the true completion hound, it is a must, and you'll get 40 achievement points for your trouble.


1. Start up the game, and go to The Ark level. Once it loads up, enter the first building you see.

2. Take an immediate left into the rounded corridor. You will see a Terminal.

3. Walk up to the terminal and press the left bumper button. You will be able to view the journal entry from here.

4. Wait for the journal entry to change colors. It will begin changing red, and then turn blue again. After it has finished changing colors, proceed with the level.

5. Proceed to the next terminal location in The Ark level. This is across the bridge that must be activated mid-level. After activating the bridge, the terminal will show up on the exact opposite side. Press the RB button, wait for the color change and move on to the last terminal in The Ark level.

6. After the Scarab Battle, follow the hallway guarded by sleeping Covenant. At the end of the hall there is a locked door: proceed left through the open door. Walk all the way down, and then look behind you to reveal a hidden room with a terminal inside. Go through the same procedure as above and then move on to The Covenant level.

7. After entering the first tower on The Covenant, stand on the central lift and look for an access panel. When you are facing the access panel, turn left and jump over the obstacle to reveal the first terminal. Activate it and move on to the second tower.

8. Land your air vehicle on the ceiling of the second tower. Walk up to the locked entrance and then look behind you. The second Covenant terminal will be there. Activate it and go to the third tower.

9. After going into the third tower, locate the lift. Look to your right, jump over the obstacle and you'll find the last terminal in The Covenant level.

10. Go to the Halo Level. This is the last terminal. After you come out of the initial cave, walk along the right wall. and you will see a walkway. Follow it to go inside a building and your last terminal should be on the left. After activating the last terminal, the Marathon Man achievement will be yours.

Tags: last terminal, access panel, achievement will, After activating, Covenant level, journal entry, jump over