It has been a long time since just you and your girlfriends got together so why not have a movie night? This is such a relaxing evening with chick flicks, popcorn and great gossip! So if you're ready for a fun, relaxing evening lets get started. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Buy or create some really festive invitations. While you can call everyone on the phone it is nice to get something other than a bill in the mail. Make sure to mail them out about a week in advance since everyone has a busy schedule. Have everone bring their favorite beverage for the eveing. This way you don't have to guess at what people like to drink. Put an RSVP on them so you know how much food you need to make.
2. Decide what type of movies that you want to rent for the evening. Are you wanting funny, silly or uplifting movies or do you want the romance tear jerker movies? Once you have decided go and rent the movies.
3. Buy different toppings for the popcorn so that there is a variety of flavors for your friends to choose from. Garlic, cheese and cajun are some favorites. Pick up some other finger foods in case someone is not a popcorn fan. Pizza rolls are good and chicken fingers are always a hit.
4. Cook food so that it comes out of the oven about 10 minutes after everyone gets there. As everyone is getting caught up on the latest gossip pop the popcorn. Have everyone fix a plate and find a seat.
5. Put the first movie in. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
Tags: relaxing evening