Follow your Adderall prescription exactly as your doctor wrote it.
For Adderall takers who need a bigger kick from their medication, the best solution is a longterm one rather than a quick fix. Adderall is a prescription medication commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. This stimulant works by causing increased production of hormones in the brain related to attention and behavior and preventing fast reabsorption of these chemicals to provide increased concentration abilities for individuals who need it.
1. Take Adderall exactly as prescribed. Many Adderall users take the drug only when they feel that they need it. However, failing to follow your doctor's instructions can lead to decreased efficiency of the drug or even harmful side effects. For the best results, adhere to your doctor's prescribed regimen.
2. Eat at least one hour before taking Adderall and do not eat again for two hours afterward. Consuming food too soon before or after taking Adderall can decrease absorption of the drug and thus decrease effectiveness. Avoid consuming large quantities of Vitamin C in particular when taking Adderall, as the acid in this vitamin can negatively affect absorption of the drug into the system.
3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day and limit empty calories like soda and candy. Stay hydrated and exercise regularly. Get at least seven hours of sleep every night, but avoid oversleeping. The healthier your body is, the better your natural ability to concentrate will be. This in turn should make your medication more effective as well.
Tags: taking Adderall, your doctor, absorption drug, Adderall prescription