Grow Moss Rose
(Portulaca grandiflora)
Choose moss rose if you need a plant that flowers where it's hot and dry. This annual's flowers - bright reds, oranges, yellows, purples and pinks - glow atop green, succulent leaves. Moss rose grows 4- to 8-inches tall and spreads up to 2 feet, making it a great groundcover. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Buy newer types of moss rose, which stay open longer during the day, if possible. Old types open at noon and close at dusk and on stay closed on overcast days.
2. Choose a spot that gets full sun. Moss rose thrives in hot, dry conditions that make other flowers wilt. Ideal spots include rock gardens, between pavers, along baked driveways or sidewalks, and in containers on patios and walks.
3. Plant seedlings 12- to 24-inches apart, according to directions, after your region's last frost date.
4. Water sparingly, if at all. Allow soil to dry out between waterings.
5. Pinch off spent blooms to encourage flowering and to keep the plant tidy.
6. Fertilize once or twice in mid- and/or late summer.
7. Discard the plant after frost in the fall.
Tags: Grow Moss, Grow Moss Rose, Moss Rose Portulaca, Rose Portulaca