Get Over a Broken Friendship
Recovering from a broken friendship takes time. The amount of time needed depends on the person, circumstances of the break-up and how deep the friendship was. The steps to recover are similar to the steps use when recovering from a romantic break-up. Anger, depression, sadness, doubt and frustration are all common emotions to feel during the recovery period. Spreading rumors, instigating arguments and focusing on the event only makes it harder to get over.
1. Cut off all contact with the person. Delete phone numbers, ignore and delete emails, and remove the person from your friends list on any social networking site you use. Stalking the person online is only going to make getting over the relationship more difficult.
2. Go out and enjoy activities with other friends.
3. Avoid personal contact with that person.
4. Talk about what happened with a third party. This helps you express your feelings and move on.
5. Pick up a new hobby to occupy your mind.
Tags: Broken Friendship, contact with, Over Broken, Over Broken Friendship