Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Make "Ben 10" Characters

Use colored modeling clay to make "Ben 10" charcters.

"Ben 10" is a cartoon that consists of outlandish looking creatures. The main character, Ben, is able to transform into alien-like robots, monsters or anything of the like. He fights evil creatures and saves people in his town, school and family. The challenging thing about creating "Ben 10" characters is choosing one. Begin with your favorite "Ben 10" episode and draw the character you wish to create. Keep in mind that some characters are more simplified than others, so choose one within your skill level that you will be able to execute successfully.


1. Find an episode of "Ben 10" that has the character you wish to create in it. Use a DVD or Blu-ray of the show if you have one, or a recordable TV device, such as Tivo or a DVR. Set it to record episodes of "Ben 10." You can also use the computer. See References to choose a swatch. Watch a few episodes and then choose the character you want, if you do not already have one in mind. You can print out pictures to use as a guide as well (see References).

2. Pause the show when your character shows up on the screen. Get a good view. Grab your sketch pad and pencil and draw what you see on the TV or computer screen as best as you can. Ask an artistic friend or family member to help you if you do not feel you are able to draw your character well enough to re-create it with clay later. You want a simple drawing that can be used as a template for your clay sculpture.

3. Use markers in the corresponding colors of your character to block in the colors onto your drawing. This indicates which clay colors to use later. Let your markers dry. Go grab plenty of colored modeling clay.

4. Mix your clay colors if you need to. Make all the colors the markers have indicated. Start your sculpture by molding the largest part of the body first. Add the head next, then larger appendages, such as arms, legs, wings or tentacles. Finally add the tiny details, such as eyes, snouts, teeth or antlers.

5. Allow your clay "Ben 10" character to dry. Set your new character on display or play with it. Use a sealant to protect your character and give it a glossy, plastic-looking appearance. This is up to you if you choose to do so. It will effect the overall look.

Tags: your character, your clay, character wish, character wish create, clay colors