Monday, 4 May 2015

Make A Research Paper Longer

The Research Paper

Much to the chagrin of many a student, the most logical way to make a research paper longer is to do more research. It is likely the answer his or her professor would like to hear their students reply as well. However, it's the teacher who assigns a determinate number of pages who sets herself up for a student paper that boasts more of quantity than quality as students interject adverbs, adjectives and repetition to meet the requisite word count.


Quality and Quantity

1. Do more research. In addition to utilizing books and periodicals you get from the library, the Internet offers innumerable resources and material for the would-be researcher. The more information you gather at the outset, the more pages it will require to summarize and the longer your paper will be.

2. Explore all sides of the argument. If your research paper asks that you take a stand on an historical perspective or piece of literature, argue well, but be sure to include your opponent's rebuttal. Deft handling of the counterargument will not only add words, but will demonstrate a grasp of your subject matter.

3. Add details. Include not only that so-and-so was killed, but where, when and how. Maybe there was something unusual about the circumstances or the day or those in attendance. Good use of detail supports a research paper and adds to its length.

4. Add trivia. While extraneous information can veer away from the point of the assignment, just a bit of it can lengthen your paper and make it more interesting to your reader.

5. Use adjectives and adverbs that enhance the topic and add words to your paper.

6. Take advantage of the fullest generosity of the teacher or professor regarding page size, margins, and font. While most professors know all the student tricks-of-the-trade, if you've stumbled upon a rookie, consider choosing slightly wider margins, bigger tabs and larger font. Push the first sentence of the first page down. Choose a full wordy heading and space it accordingly.

Tags: research paper, your paper, more research