Set up a training schedule to keep your activities flowing.
Creating a training schedule typically involves listing the training activities and the time allowed for each one. You can adjust this scheduling technique for any kind of training activity, from sports to corporate workshops. A typical workshop training schedule might have a social gathering for 10 minutes, a learning activity for 15 minutes, an interactive instructional session for 45 minutes and another learning activity for 10 minutes. Perhaps during the final 10 minutes, participants can provide the facilitator with feedback about the session.
1. Decide what information you want to specify for each activity. Create a table with column headings. For example, label the columns "Time," "Topic," "Instructor" and "Duration" to organize your training schedule information.
2. Specify the time of day you want your schedule to start--for example, 8:30 a.m. Call that "Start Time." List any prerequisite activities or requirements that must be completed before this schedule can begin. List any equipment or tools required to conduct the training program.
3. List the training activities and how long each one typically takes. Allow time for questions. For example, your first activity could be called "Introduction" and may have a duration of one hour. Be sure to indicate the person (or people) who will be conducting this activity--for example, "Host." Indicate any special equipment required to conduct the activity. Note, if applicable, how frequently the training activity typically occurs (weekly, monthly or annually).
4. Color-code your training activities so you can easily see whether your agenda is balanced. For example, indicate breaks in blue, lunch in green and lectures in red.
5. Indicate the total number of training hours for each day. Note any homework assignments or optional activities.
6. Create a schedule for each day of your training program. Optionally, also list training activities for an entire week or month on a single schedule to provide a comprehensive view. In some cases, you may allow participants in your training program to personalize the training schedule to meet their needs.
Tags: training schedule, training activities, your training, training program, activity minutes