Employer ID numbers are issued to companies with employees.
An Employer Identification Number (EIN), or federal ID Number, is issued by the United States government to companies that hire employees. An EIN is used by a company as its identification when filing taxes, issuing W-2s and doing other paperwork. If you need to find out a company's ID number, you can track down the information in several ways.
1. Go to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's database to look up the company's EIN. EINs can be found on various forms, such as 10-Ks, which must be filed with the SEC.
2. Go to GuideStar's website, which contains a database of information on almost two million nonprofit organizations, including their Form 990s.
3. Pull up the company's website to see if its EIN is listed anywhere. You might find a copy of the company's financial report.
4. Request a copy of the company's financial statements. A publicly traded company must provide them.
5. If you work for the company, look on your W-2. The EIN will be listed on the form.
6. If you do business with the company, look on its W-9 form. You must maintain a W-9 form on a company that you use as a vendor or as contract labor. The EIN is listed on the form.
7. Call the company directly and ask politely for its EIN, explaining why you need it.
Tags: company financial, company look, copy company, copy company financial, Employer Identification, Employer Identification Number, Identification Number