Lose pounds with a treadmill doesn't have to be boring.
If you prefer walking or running to lose pounds instead of other cardiovascular exercise, one option is to use a treadmill. Treadmills come in a variety of models, often letting you set the speed, upward angle and the amount of time or distance you exercise. You may use a treadmill at a gym or your home.
1. Write down everything you eat and drink for a week, noting approximately how many calories you consume. If you consume the same amount of calories every week, you can lose 1 lb. for every 3,500 extra calories you burn. You may decide to continue eating the same foods you normally consume, and then rely only on exercise with a treadmill to lose pounds. Another approach combines reducing your calorie intake while also exercising, which may help you lose weight more quickly.
2. Wear comfortable walking or running shoes and loose clothing.
3. Step on the treadmill, and turn on the power. Use the controls to set the initial speed for a slow walking pace to warm up. If your treadmill's display shows approximately how many calories you burn while exercising, you can use that as a guide to help you decide how long, how fast and how far you want to walk or run to meet your goal. For example, if you burn 500 calories per day while on the treadmill -- and exercise once a day -- you can burn 3,500 calories, or 1 lb. in a week. If you walk 4 mph you will burn 135 calories per half hour when weighing 125 lbs., 149 calories per half hour while weighing 155 lbs. and 179 calories every half hour while weighing 185 lbs., according to Harvard Medical School.
4. Increase the speed on the treadmill until you are walking at a brisk pace, if you feel healthy enough to do so. Walking is a useful way to stay active and start losing pounds. If you can run, try increasing the speed in intervals, for one minute at a time, and then reduce the speed back to a walking pace. As you get used to walking or running, you can start going faster and for longer periods. Once you can walk for 30 to 40 minutes easily, you will be ready to start adding brisk intervals, according to the American Council on Exercise.
5. Raise the incline on the treadmill if it is adjustable, to simulate walking up a hill. This takes more effort, and will help you burn more calories than walking on a level surface -- further helping you lose pounds.
6. Listen to music on your stereo or with headphones while you exercise to keep you focused. You may find that your exercise time flies by when you watch videos at home or on a portable media player at the gym. Your treadmill may have a shelf where you can place your media player or a book, so you don't have to hold it while you exercise.
Tags: burn calories, half hour, walking running, approximately many, approximately many calories, calories burn, calories every