Many people do not like to run to lose weight. They often force themselves to board a treadmill in the gym or bear the cold temperatures outside just because they think there is no other way. But there is: This workout will make you sweat without even stepping foot on a treadmill.
In the tools listed at the right, a power sling is an apparatus that houses a medicine ball. It is a mesh bag with a rope that wraps around the wrist and contains the ball.
Weight Daze
1. Warm up. This is performed on the dome side of a Bosu, and is quite simple. Step up and step down. Lead with the right foot for 1 minute, then switch to the left foot. Repeat for 10 minutes total.
2. Do the move called Stick the Landing. Stand behind the Bosu. Jump in the air and land on top of it, sticking the landing. Hold for a second, then propel back off and land on the floor. Perform 15 reps. Keep the knees slightly bent on both landings.
3. Perform the next exercise with two Bosus. It is called the Double Barrel Buck Shot: Line up two Bosus side by side. Stand behind them, then jump and land on them, with one foot on each. Go into a squat, then hop back off. Squat slightly, then jump back on and go back into a squat. Perform 15 reps.
4. Do another exercise that is performed on two Bosus. It is a variation of the above step. From the top landing position on the Bosus, jump in the air, spin 180 degrees and land. Then jump, spin back, land, hop off and stick the landing. That is one rep. Perform 10 full reps.
5. Do the exercise called "ice skaters." Place the Bosus about 4 to 5 feet apart to begin with. Stand on your left foot on the left Bosu. Jump in the air laterally and land on your right foot on the right Bosu. Jump back to the other foot. This is one rep. Perform 15 reps total.
6. Repeat the above exercises in a circuit format. Perform four to five circuits.
7. Perform the next exercise with the power sling. Stand on two Bosus that are about a wide-foot stance apart. Weave your right hand through the loop of the rope and grab the rope tightly in your hand. Place the other hand over the top, in a similar fashion to volleying a volleyball. Be flexible in the knees at all times. Your arms should always be straight, and always use the core to generate the force. Start off using a light medicine ball. Swing the ball in a counterclockwise direction 25 times. Switch hands and go clockwise 25 times. Switch hands and go clockwise 25 times, then switch hands again and go counterclockwise 25 times. This is one circuit. Perform four circuits.
8. For the last step, grab a 2-lb. jump rope and do 10 sets of 100, separated by 20-second breaks. For a more intense variation, try to volley between two-foot jumps and run-in-place jumps. You can alternate them in every 50 jumps.
Tags: Bosu Jump, Perform reps, back land, clockwise times, exercise with, hands clockwise, hands clockwise times