In order to lose three pounds in a day, you must be dedicated and motivated. Proper diet and exercise is the winning combo for weight loss according to It will be a challenge, but sticking to these steps will greatly increase your chances of success.
How it Works
1. Eat a breakfast that is rich in whole grains and lean protein, such as a hard boiled egg and steel-cut oatmeal. It will make you feel full.
2. Write down the calories count in everything you eat. Most people can safely eat 1100 a day. Make sure what you eat is nutritionally sound; avoid eating empty calories, such as candy.
3. Carry a 20-ounce bottle of water with you all day and drink at least four full bottles throughout the day. This will flush your system out. Remember, your weight can fluctuate due to water weight from day to day.
4. Get 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day. Take the stairs, take a walk on your lunch break, and get your heart rate up at the gym for at least 30 solid minutes.
5. Do the math. will tell you exactly how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight. A 500-calorie deficit will create a one pound loss.
Tags: your weight