Friday, 24 April 2015

Lose Weight Faster After Weight Training

Weight training can make weight loss easier and more effective.

Losing weight after weight training is easier than most people think. Weight training builds muscle, but this muscle burns more calories, even when at rest, than fat does. Add a cardiovascular workout after your weight training to burn even more calories, and eat small meals more often during the day so your metabolism stays high and you have consistent fuel for your muscles.


1. Add cardiovascular training to your workout. This burns many calories, especially if you work out at a high intensity. Try intervals, in which you run, speed-walk, swim or cycle as quickly as possible for 30 seconds, then slow down for a longer interval to recover. Repeat this sequence as many times as you can. Gradually try to increase the length and speed of the interval and reduce your recovery intervals.

2. Eat low-fat protein. Sources of low-fat protein, such as egg whites, fish, chicken and lean beef, fill you up without a lot of extra calories. Protein is also the ideal fuel for your muscles.

3. Avoid energy bars and drinks after your workout. Unless you're exercising intensely for more than an hour, the fat and calories in these products will negate the benefits of your workout. In fact, many of these bars and drinks have too much sugar to be of any real benefit. Read the label, and choose an option that is high in fiber, while low in sugar and fat. A good combination is to simply drink water and have a banana, have a bowl cereal with milk or bread with peanut butter post-workout.

4. Eat fruits and vegetables. These offer plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber without a lot of fat or calories. If you consume a piece of fruit or some veggies with hummus after a workout, you'll get a lot of nutrition with very few calories, so you'll feel full, be healthy, and still be able to lose weight.

5. Drink plenty of water. Your body needs water, especially after a workout. Drinking more water actually helps prevent water retention, thereby aiding your weight loss.

Tags: your workout, after workout, after your, bars drinks, fuel your, fuel your muscles, low-fat protein