Bowling alleys are fun locations to hold a fundraiser for your organization.
A bowling fundraiser is an alternative to typical fundraising options for your organization. Not only is it beneficial to your organization's funding, it is a great way to support a local bowling alley. It is also a fun, family-friendly event that could even warrant press for your organization. Getting the event organized can seem like a daunting task, but with a dedicated team of helpers, the event's results can be sure to bowl you over.
1. Visit your local bowling alley and propose your idea for a fundraiser. Fundraisers such as this are mutually beneficial for your organization and the bowling alley. Even if the players receive a discount for bowling a game, the alley still can charge for shoe rentals, arcade games, food and drinks, so their potential profits still are high. This fundraiser can also boost potential business for them.
2. Decide on the approach for your bowling fundraiser. One method is to charge each person a fee for a game at the bowling alley. Depending on your agreement with the alley, the profits could be split between your organization and the alley. Or organize a bowling event like a marathon. People can pledge to pay a certain amount per pin knocked over by their sponsored player.
3. Couple the fundraiser with chances to win prizes. People will be more willing to offer their money to a fundraiser if they can receive a payoff. Contact local businesses and ask for donations to your event, such as gift certificates and other small prizes. Prizes can be awarded to top bowlers at the event. Hold a raffle for those who buy a bowling game. Silent auctions also can entertain those not interested in bowling.
Tags: your organization, bowling alley, beneficial your, beneficial your organization, bowling fundraiser, bowling game