Monday, 6 April 2015

Hydrate During A 10k

One of the most important things to do while involved in any kind of exercise is to drink plenty of liquids. Your body uses fluids when you exert yourself, and it's key to replace those fluids. The alternative is cramping, injury and a drop in performance. If you are a runner, it is crucial that you properly hydrate during a 10k run.


1. Start early. To ensure that your body has enough fluids, it's important to begin to hydrate several days before you run a 10k. Some experts suggest ten glasses of water a day beginning three days before the run.

2. Drink up before the race. Take in somewhere between eight and 16 oz. a couple hours before you run, but drink only a few ounces right before the start of the 10k, since any more water won't absorb and will only slow you down. If you are in good shape, taking steps to properly hydrate before a 10k lessens your need for water during the run.

3. Take in liquids only in the first half of the race if you are racing or running for time. You can use the water stations up until the 5k mark, but don't waste time slowing to drink after that. Experts say it takes 20 minutes for your body to absorb water; so taking a drink late in the race won't help you much. But be sure to hydrate well after you run the 10k.

4. Consider the weather. The hotter the conditions as you run a 10k the more you must hydrate. But you'll sweat no matter what the conditions; so don't ignore hydration in a cool weather or winter run. Also, take into the account the altitude if your 10k is away from home. You can get dehydrated more quickly at higher elevations.

5. See how your sweat. You need to replace the fluids you lose when perspiring, so the more you sweat during a 10k the more you need to hydrate. Weather and your own physiology can make a difference.

6. Stick with water or sports drinks. Keep away from caffeine and sugar on race day, since they may dehydrate you. If you must have that cup of coffee with lots of sugar to get going, drink extra water to make up for it. Also, abstain from alcohol.

Tags: away from, days before, properly hydrate