Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Hydrate On Long Training Runs

Frequent replenishment while running helps prevent dehydration.

Proper hydration while running long-distance can improve your performance. When you sweat and don't replenish yourself, you risk dehydration. During dehydration your body has a harder time meeting physical demands because your blood volume reduces and forces your heart to work harder to pump oxygen to your muscles. Improper hydration while running can lead to heat cramps and hyponatremia, a condition where the body shuts down due to a lack of sodium and an excess of water. Learn hydrate yourself during long runs to get the most out of your training.


1. Drink according to a set schedule while running. Set your watch to beep every 15 to 20 minutes to remind yourself to drink. Avoid waiting until you feel thirsty because when you feel thirsty dehydration has already set in.

2. Wear a squeeze bottle in a fluid belt to have access to liquid while running. Because you are unable to carry all the liquids you need while running for a long period, carry money to purchase refills at convenience stores or map out your training run so you return home in between. If you train at a track, place your replenishments along the way beforehand.

3. Consume 3 to 6 ounces of a sports drink every 15 to 20 minutes during training runs longer than one hour. Drink a sports drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes; carbohydrates provide your body with fuel while the electrolytes replenish lost sodium and other minerals. For runs of one hour or less, water is sufficient to keep you hydrated.

4. Avoid drinking tea, soda, coffee and alcohol before, during and after your run because these can all have a diuretic affect and increase your risk of dehydration.

Tags: while running, every minutes, feel thirsty, hydration while, hydration while running, risk dehydration