Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Follow A Work Schedule

Plan your work at the start of the week, then work your plan.

Following a work schedule can be difficult for many. One common challenge is not keeping schedules in other areas of life, such as bedtimes and wake times. To follow a work schedule, you must say "no" to some things, such as working remotely from a PDA or staying up to watch the late movie. Following a work schedule can be restrictive, but adapting to the schedule will enhance the quality of your work and your after-work life considerably.


1. Review the dates and start times for each workday. Note lunch hours, breaks and end times for each workday.

2. Assess your ability to start work punctually. Arrange to wake up early enough to take care of errands or get the kids to school so you can be at work on time. Hire a nanny to help send the kids to school in the morning and make breakfast, if possible. Consider hiring Grandma to help you during the workweek. Reschedule evening outings to start and end earlier so you won't oversleep or drag your feet in the morning. Try to arrive to work a little earlier than your starting time.

3. Organize your time at the start of each week. Set time deadlines to complete projects. Assign specific days to complete special project activities, and schedule time for self-care as well. If you need downtime in the middle of the day on Wednesdays, for example, schedule that time in so that you can use the rest of the time to be more productive. Use social networking and news websites only on your lunch hour so that you use work time properly.

4. Get as much work done in the morning as possible. Many professional jobs carry the unstated expectation that you will socialize in the office. Socializing does promote team building, but it can hurt productivity, forcing you to work late. The morning is often the busiest time for office workers. Socializing is more appropriate in the afternoon after workers have met their daily production goals. Take a shorter lunch, when possible, to leave time at the end of the day for socializing and timely departure.

5. Shut down your computer and stop working at the end time on the schedule. Turn off any work-related cell phones and hand-held devices. Working remotely after hours doesn't help you to follow a schedule. Unless you are required to be on call, turn off work-related electronic devices until the start of work tomorrow.

Tags: work schedule, each workday, Following work, Following work schedule, kids school