Thursday, 19 March 2015

Get Free Promotional Products To Promote A Nonprofit Organization

Get Free Promotional Products to Promote a Nonprofit Organization

Business owners know that promotional products are a valuable marketing tool, clever public relations platform and essential to branding. Of course, non-profit organizations are very different from for-profit businesses in terms of taxation and cash flow. However, non-profits still need marketing, public relations and branding--they just don't have the budget. If you don't have a budget for promotional products and can't gather income for building a budget, there are some ways you can get free promotional products for your organization.


1. Get a business to sponsor your promotional products. Offer a company (or several, perhaps in different sponsorship levels for more recognition) to share promotional item space with you by having them purchase the items and include their logo and/or company message alongside yours.

2. Use free sample offers. You won't get large quantities of promotional products as free samples, so stretch each promotional product you can get for free by offering them as perks for donations or to gain more exposure.

3. Offer a company volunteer services in exchange for promotional products. You might not have money, but you can offer man-hours to a company that could use the help.

Tags: promotional products, promotional products, Free Promotional, Free Promotional Products, have budget